Storytelling and Learning Together

Michelle & Hawa led a brief Food Fluency presentation followed by an open discussion about the role of community nutrition (and related initiatives) in advancing regenerative agriculture, food security, and sustainable development.

Click here to watch the webinar recording (YouTube).

Blog Post

Regenerative meals are centered around local and sustainably grown food, provide balanced nourishment to the end user (us the consumers!) and if cooked, use a sustainable fuel source as available.

Click here for a 7-min read (or listen) as Michelle explores her perspective on what makes meals regenerative and why it all matters!

Curious about how our dietary practices are linked to soil and ecosystem health?

Watch this one minute story animating some highlights from the
We Are Carbon podcast (below).

Read the full blog post

We Are Carbon [Podcast]

We Are Carbon is on a communications mission to turn listeners from fearful to informed regarding issues related to climate change.

"In this interview I’m joined by Michelle Gilman to discuss the connections between our farming practices, our food systems and our own personal health. Michelle’s work has often focused upon ensuring that healthy food choices are also accessible to those with low incomes, and this has led her to the recent creation of Food Fluency – a nutrition programme that partners with non-profits working in the areas of community health and food security."

"More good sense in one hour than I have heard in years!"
- Jane Sherman, retired Food and Nutrition Education Consultant,
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Past Events: